Ulster Hockey Umpires
Public Area
Ulster Hockey Umpires
Ulster Hockey Umpires
Public Area
30th MayIHUA Executive Committee 2024/25

Chair – Tom Goode
Vice-Chair - Robert Johnston
Hon. Secretary – Jim Butler
Hon. Treasurer – Simon MacAlllister
Executive Committee Members:
Ali Keogh
Ellie Duffy
Eamonn McFerran
Russell Donaldson
Oli Brown
Men’s National Appointments Co-ordinator – Kim Collins
Women’s National Appointments Co-ordinator: TBC
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Chair – Tom Goode
Vice-Chair - Robert Johnston
Hon. Secretary – Jim Butler
Hon. Treasurer – Simon MacAlllister
Executive Committee Members:
Ali Keogh
Ellie Duffy
Eamonn McFerran
Russell Donaldson
Oli Brown
Men’s National Appointments Co-ordinator – Kim Collins
Women’s National Appointments Co-ordinator: TBC
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Chair – Tom Goode
Vice-Chair - Robert Johnston
Hon. Secretary – Jim Butler
Hon. Treasurer – Simon MacAlllister
Executive Committee Members:
Ali Keogh
Ellie Duffy
Eamonn McFerran
Russell Donaldson
Oli Brown
Men’s National Appointments Co-ordinator – Kim Collins
Women’s National Appointments Co-ordinator: TBC
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14th MayUlster Umpires 2024/25 Committees

2024/25 Committees
Umpires Executive Committee
Chair - Linda Johnston
Vice Chair - Allister Campbell
Hon Sec - George Redpath
Hon Treasurer - Aaron Donnell
Chair of Development - Julie Fisher
Men's Appointments Co-ordinator - Neal Hermon
Women's Appointments Co-ordinator - Linda Coughlan
Committee Members - Mike Campbell, Sarah Craig, Amy Jones & Ian Parsley

Development Committee
Chair - Julie Fisher
Members - Oli Brown, Sarah Craig, Bill Harvey, Graham Higgin, Gary Molloy, Eamonn McFerran & Michael Scott

Appointments Selection Committee
Men's Appointments Co-ordinator - Neal Hermon
Women's Appointments Co-ordinator - Linda Coughlan
Nominated Development Member - Julie Fisher
Independent Member - Terry Templeton
Independent Member - Adare Brady

2024/25 Committees
Umpires Executive Committee
Chair - Linda Johnston
Vice Chair - Allister Campbell
Hon Sec - George Redpath
Hon Treasurer - Aaron Donnell
Chair of Development - Julie Fisher
Men's Appointments Co-ordinator - Neal Hermon
Women's Appointments Co-ordinator - Linda Coughlan
Committee Members - Mike Campbell, Sarah Craig, Amy Jones & Ian Parsley

Development Committee
Chair - Julie Fisher
Members - Oli Brown, Sarah Craig, Bill Harvey, Graham Higgin, Gary Molloy, Eamonn McFerran & Michael Scott

Appointments Selection Committee
Men's Appointments Co-ordinator - Neal Hermon
Women's Appointments Co-ordinator - Linda Coughlan
Nominated Development Member - Julie Fisher
Independent Member - Terry Templeton
Independent Member - Adare Brady

2024/25 Committees
Umpires Executive Committee
Chair - Linda Johnston
Vice Chair - Allister Campbell
Hon Sec - George Redpath
Hon Treasurer - Aaron Donnell
Chair of Development - Julie Fisher
Men's Appointments Co-ordinator - Neal Hermon
Women's Appointments Co-ordinator - Linda Coughlan
Committee Members - Mike Campbell, Sarah Craig, Amy Jones & Ian Parsley

Development Committee
Chair - Julie Fisher
Members - Oli Brown, Sarah Craig, Bill Harvey, Graham Higgin, Gary Molloy, Eamonn McFerran & Michael Scott

Appointments Selection Committee
Men's Appointments Co-ordinator - Neal Hermon
Women's Appointments Co-ordinator - Linda Coughlan
Nominated Development Member - Julie Fisher
Independent Member - Terry Templeton
Independent Member - Adare Brady

17th Sep

National Umpiring Strategy

Please read the new National Umpiring Strategy. Please contact the IHUA committee with any feedback, and feel free to disseminate further. ... More
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Please read the new National Umpiring Strategy. Please contact the IHUA committee with any feedback, and feel free to disseminate further. ... More
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Please read the new National Umpiring Strategy. Please contact the IHUA committee with any feedback, and feel free to disseminate further. ... More
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